Rhonda M. | Kentucky | August, 2021

Rhonda and her group had originally intended to take a trip to Ireland but the pandemic prevented them from doing so. While travel to Europe was still proving difficult, they decided to take a trip to Kentucky instead. They enjoyed spending the time together as a family and plan on traveling with us again when regulations allow.


Rhonda M

How would you rate your trip? 5/5
Who was your travel expert? Ann
How were your accommodations? Great
What did you love? The proximity to the The Ark Encounter
Did everything go smoothly with your transportation? Yes
What did you love?
We drove our own transportation.
What tours, attractions, or activities did you particularly enjoy? We were there for the gospel concerts (3x/day) and the attraction of The Ark and beautiful gardens.
What was your favorite part of the trip? Having the whole family together, 7 of us.
Would you travel with us again? Yes